Der Standard

I have been reading Der Standard online for some time now, to have an Austrian view of things, but Handakte WebLAWg gives a different address, for Der Standard digital – you see a picture of each page in the paper edition, and click on articles for close-ups. It seems to be new, and it has icons to change the appearance on screen, change the configuration, download as PDF or text, display as PDF (it’s very nice to see the photographs). My link to it appears at the bottom of the screen (Windows XP Professional) as ‘ePaper Microsoft’, so there is something going on here that doesn’t just come from Der Standard.
Perhaps it became more evident today, since the Austrian printers’ strike meant that the paper appeared only online. But that’s the only way Der Standard is available in Fürth too; our papers in print are Fürther Nachrichten (as it has the Nürnberger Teil and the Fürther Teil, it has an advantage over the Nürnberger Nachrichten), all the other supra-regional German papers, three or four Turkish papers, and Russian papers, but those are probably only in the Russian shops (of which we have at least three or four).

Quoted from Der Standard, May 7: the digital version is identical to the print version. There will be a charge once the wrinkles are ironed out:
Seit Montag erscheint der digitale STANDARD, eine E-Paper-Version der gedruckten Tageszeitung, “eine neue Vertriebsform der Tageszeitung”, sagt STANDARD-Herausgeber Oscar Bronner zum neuen Angebot. Anders als die Onlineausgabe, die in einem eigenen Verlag mit eigenen Inhalten zusammen mit Inhalten der Tageszeitung erscheint, ist der digitale STANDARD in Aussehen und Inhalt ident mit der Zeitung des jeweiligen Tages. “Es wird kostenpflichtig werden, aber dazu müssen wir noch einiges lernen und verbessern”, erklärt Bronner.

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