New UK legal weblog / Neues britisches juristisches Weblog

Found in the Blogbook’s links. (They’re great links, but they still think Herr Simon is a Simone!):
Sixth Form law weblog.

Das [geändert von dem falschen “der”] Sixth Form law weblog ist geschrieben für Sixth Formers, man könnte sagen Abiturienten, die Recht als Schulfach studieren.

Über ein Link findet man weitere Links bei Bournemouth & Poole Sixth-Form College (ein Sixth-Form-College ist eine Schule nur für die letzten zwei Jahrgänge, Alter 16-18).

Einführungen ins englische Recht auf diesem Niveau bieten einen guten Einstieg auch für Ausländer, da sie meist knapp sind und ein großes Feld abdecken.

3 thoughts on “New UK legal weblog / Neues britisches juristisches Weblog

  1. Spooky! I’ve just posted on my blog, taken a look at Movable Type’s rolling blog update list and lo-and-behold I see your mention of Bournemouth and Poole College of Further Education.

    Yes I live in Poole in Dorset (England). Recently I mentioned on my blog site a young Poole girl (Erin Rocha) who was about (and did) make the Top 40 in the UK pop charts as well as 2 former Miss World’s from Poole and Parkstone.

    Nice to have made a connection!

  2. Very funny. I have never mentioned Poole before in my blog! I live in Germany and I taught for 16 years full-time and a bit longer part-time at a translators’ college here whose principal comes from Poole, though. I think that’s all I can offer.

  3. Superb sixth-form law A/AS-level weblinks. The self-contained notes, flowcharts and diagrams are brilliant. A good argument for online learning i.e. for translators & interpreters.

    Also a school-age appetizer to basic law and rights, whether or not going onto a law degree, and a start to learning how to deal with detained pickpockets and bag-snatchers operating in the summer around Bournemouth.

    Stuffy UK public(private)and grammar schools that don’t offer sixth-form law should take note.

    A friend of mine ‘read’ law at Bournemouth University (ex-Bournemouth Polytechnic to Brit. radio & TV DJ Tony Blackburn and my dropout schoolfriends)and sailed through Bar Finals.

    Portland Bill, as a nearby rocky protrusion towering out of the sea, is also worth a summer trip.

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