Things in the road/Gegenstände auf der Fahrbahn

I’ve mentioned hearing on the radio, ‘Es kommt Ihnen ein Fahrzeug entgegen’. I haven’t mentioned ‘Zwischen X und Y fahren Sie vorsichtig – es sind Gegenstände auf der Fahrbahn’.
tells you what those objects might be.

I’m pretty sure I hear ‘Es sind Personen auf der Fahrbahn’ as a different message.

bq. Folgende Gegenstände wurden seit März 2003 auf hessischen Autobahnen erfasst:
Kühlschranktür, Kühlschrank, Koffer, Kardanwelle, Wanne, Sofa, Windschutzscheibe, Sessel, Sitzgarnitur, Matratze, Feuerlöscher, Fernseher, Teppichrolle, zwei Sofas, Motorhaube, Garagentor, Schubkarre, Motorsäge, Einkaufswagen, Mini-Gabelstapler, Kartoffelsack, Ofen, Tannenbaum, Jogger, Rasenmäher, Autositz, Propeller-Teil, Weihnachtsbäume, Kanu, Bananenkiste, Knallkörper, Person mit einem Hund, Satellitenschüssel, Waschmaschine, großes Plüschtier, Toilettenhäuschen

(Via Astrid Paprotta)

6 thoughts on “Things in the road/Gegenstände auf der Fahrbahn

  1. What always amazes me Margaret is reports of cyclists on the motorway. Any then they’ll probably try to sue you if you run them over…..

    Paul (myself a cyclist but one who obeys the rules)

  2. “The typical Erlangen cyclist for me is one who cycles without lights in the dusk, on the wrong side of a road through the fields, sometimes holding an umbrella in one hand.”
    We have them here in Ehningen too Margaret. They sometimes have their full shopping baskets/kids/pets/husbands balancing on the handlebars at the same time here. Don’t try to hoot your horn at them — I’ve tried it ….they get very angry…

  3. What, women cycle like that too?!

    Maybe they saw someone pushing something and it was either a mother with a pram or a bag lady with a supermarket trolley? One can but speculate.

  4. “What, women cycle like that too?!”
    They do here yes, but they are just the housewife/mother type of cyclist on a rusty old bike. Although you do not, thank God, get many female “Möchte-Gern-Profis” … the worst ones …with all the aerodynamic gear, bikes probably worth thousands and an obvious death wish ….cycling the wrong way on country roads, hurtling through red lights and riding four-abreast just to annoy motorists behind. Mostly only the men are that stupid … even thugh I say it myself.


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