Sachsenspiegel in Wikipedia

I know I ought to correct this translation, but I haven’t got time at the moment. Here’s the German original and English translation in Wikipedia (which is often very useful):

bq. Er schrieb darin nach herkömmlicher Ansicht das bis dahin mündlich überlieferte Recht nieder, das im sächsischen Gebiet gültig war. … 2005 verglich der Kanonist Peter Landau den Buchbestand des Zisterzienserklosters Altzelle mit den Quellen Eikes und kam zu dem Schluss, dass eine Entstehung in der Nähe von Altzelle wahrscheinlich sei.
Der Sachsenspiegel, eines der ersten Prosawerke in deutscher Sprache, gilt als bedeutendes Zeugnis für die beginnende Vereinheitlichung der deutschen (mittelniederdeutschen) Schriftsprache. Die große Wirklichkeitsnähe (erprobtes und bewährtes Recht) verhalf der Rechtssammlung zu hoher Akzeptanz.

bq. Von Repgow wrote in his conventional view the traditional law that was widely used in the Saxon territory. By modern views of the gunner Peter Landau in 2005, he compared the bookstock of the Zisterzienser Monastry of Altzelle with the sources of Eikes and came to conclusion that a creation near Altzelle would be possible.
The Sachsenspiegel, one of the first prose works in German language, is an important testimony for the beginning unification of the German (middle lower German) literary language. The great reality proximity (field-tested and test-stooded law) helped the Sachsenspiegel to get greater acceptance.

I don’t read everything that critically, but it was the combination of failing to understand some sentences and the sudden appearance of a gunner instead of an expert on canon law (German doesn’t have our distinction of NN and N between cannon and canon) that made me wonder if this wasn’t MT.

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