Task force / Eingreifreserve

Someone on ProZ wanted to translate Eingreifreserve into English. The public prosecutor’s office at Frankfurt am Main has one. It consists of eight public prosecutors and mainly concentrates on white-collar crime and organized crime. I thought of task force, but now I see they have created a Task Force which gives general support in all areas. So really one should translate Eingreifreserve as task force and Task Force as backup force or something, but I suppose that might be confusing. Beck aktuell:

Die staatsanwaltschaftliche Task Force soll die Eingreifreserve bei der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft ergänzen, die aus acht Staatsanwälten besteht. Während die Eingreifreserve fallbezogen mit dem Schwerpunkt der Wirtschaftskriminalität und der Organisierten Kriminalität tätig werde, bewirke die Task Force eine umfassende personelle Unterstützung vor Ort. So könne ein Mitglied der Task Force beispielsweise eingesetzt werden, um einen erkrankten Jugenddezernenten bei einer Staatsanwaltschaft vorübergehend zu ersetzen.
beck-aktuell-Redaktion, Verlag C. H. Beck, 21. Mai 2007.

13 thoughts on “Task force / Eingreifreserve

  1. Perhaps “rapid response team”? I’d certainly agree that the Denglisch “Task Force” is misplaced.

  2. You don’t need stems, endings or grammar rules to make your machine virtually choke on translation. Take any search engine (english version), look for german web pages concerned with the law of succession and hit the ‘translate-this-page’-button. You might (may??) be amazed what becomes of the german ‘Erbrecht’.

  3. I think I may have heard that one before. for a nice site translated into German, (low in fat = Tief im Fett), this cheesecake site is still going strong.
    Your name doesn’t sound very German, but I don’t suppose you are related to Graeme C. in Erlangen or David C. in F

  4. Machine translation is all over the web. Earlier today I stumbled onto the website of Sheffield City Council and found a “Translate this page” link.
    Anyone willing to hazard a guess what this little beauty is talking about?
    “Wir werden am Einwilligen mit der Unf

  5. If the Sheffield German means what I think it does, it seems rather self-contradictory.
    I see jurabilis no longer has one of those buttons. I think Alexander Hartmann used to come out very virile in translation. And only recently someone asked me to look at a translation where ‘den Staufern’ (the Hohenstaufens) had come out as something like ‘far from the traffic jam’.

  6. Looks like you sussed the Sheffield Babelfish (powered by SYSTRAN). And yes, it does relate to a legal statute (the “Tat”).
    I love your “far from the traffic jam”. I reckon that’s where they’d like to be in Sheffield right now (the city is full of cars abandoned in the floods).

  7. @Margaret Marks
    #1: I didn’t, I stumbled upon it when ‘babelfishing’ several german legal texts out of curiosity; the result looked a bit nauseating …
    #2: The cheesecake didn’t bewitch me, so I will _not_ burn it at 425 degrees :-)
    #3: Very unlikely, unless they originate from either the County Louth or from Grudziaz (formerly: Graudenz) in northern Polonia.
    #4: No, I did _not_ write that book about Woodstock.

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