Most sites that list international legal weblogs mention only two: Handakte WebLAWg by Rainer Langenhan, in German, and Walter Simon’s Simon’s Blawg (German with some English translations and summaries).
There is also one by Maximillian Dornseif, a postgraduate law student, in English, called disLEXia. His website gives more information about him, and the same goes for Langenhan and Simon.
Outside Germany is Professor Karl-Friedrich Lenz with Lenz Blog; he teaches German and European Law at a university in Tokyo.
These blogs contain a lot of interesting information on law relating to the Internet, not surprisingly. Not so another German blawg I found today: law blog by Udo Vetter, a German criminal lawyer. It consists of a series of little stories of everyday criminal defence and other episodes. Deserves to be quoted more often (all in German).
Hinweis eines Richters am Amtsgericht Herne:
Die Versäumung richterlicher Fristen um weniger als 3 Werktage bleibt ohne Folgen, wenn die Partei darauf verzichtet, ihre Schriftsätze dem Gericht per Fax oder vorab per Fax zuzuleiten.Die Idee ist ausbaufähig:
Die Versäumung richterlicher Fristen um bis zu 5 Werktage bleibt ohne Folgen, wenn die Partei ihren Schriftsatz selbst locht, ihn persönlich vorbei bringt und an der richtigen Stelle in die Gerichtsakte einheftet.
Die Partei, die am wenigsten schreibt, gewinnt den Prozess. Gefaxte Seiten zählen 5-fach.’
(April 22nd)
Looking for the URL again, I find all listed at Saarbrücken. They also mention Der Jura-Channel, a legal news site, but without an RSS feed.
Thanks for the link. One small correction: Karl-Friedrich Lenz, not Friedrich.
Thanks again. :)
Sorry about that. Done.
you seem to be a detective too. Would be interesting for me how you found out my name. Or is it displayed somewhere in my blog?
By the way: I have added your site to my private bookmarks an will visit it regularly.
No, it isn`t displayed in the weblog. I am in the USA for a week at a legal translators` conference. I am using a wireless keyboard and TV Internet connection. I think I can answer your question better when I am back in Germany. Thanks for linking.