After one day at this conference, there are things I would like to research on the Internet, but on this TV Internet access system I can`t open two windows at once. So I will defer a link to the beautiful Hyatt Regency Hotel at Jersey City, whence the view of the financial district of Manhattan across the water is currently shrouded in rain. Also deferred is an investigation of the following: a notary in England may be a Latin notary, but how does one of those compare with a notary in South America, or indeed Germany (but Germany is really a minority language here – in fact I heard someone say that German in the USA is the new Japanese, that there is a shortage of translators and an increasing amount of work); is there such a thing in EnglishBritish legal usage as `leave to defend`, because in Israeli law there is, and many translators seem to use the term as a translation, but it is unfamiliar in the USA; Tom West, to whom (at Intermark Language Services) I will not today give a link, for technical reasons, said there is a big difference between the meaning of `provided that` (vorausgesetzt, dass) and `provided however that` (aber).
The selection of books on sale was good. For $50, for anyone interested in US business law (and more) by Davidson Knowles Forsythe (are those three names? I will supply a link later), a large book on Business Law, with many examples of documents, ISBN 0 538 86856 2. Interesting on legal French, b Beaudoin and Mailhot, Expressions juridiques en un clin d`oeuil / ISBN 2 89451 443 3 – perhaps Canadian? Beaudoin is speaking, but of course I will not hear him, because these talks are parallel. Yes, I see he has studied civil law and common law in Canada. Another book by him that looked particularly interesting was Les mots du droit (Legal Thesaurus). It consists of a list of common-law words that are especially difficult to translate into French, because polysemous, and a collection of `synonyms` in French that might be used to translate them.
I learned at lunch that it is OK to order a black-charred salmon and country artichoke club sandwich as a `salmon and artichoke sandwich`. There was a big language divide between the plain terms used by the orderers and the florid terminology of the waiter.