This is another extract from law blog, becoming known in the blogosphere as Udo, plus translation. I use Site Meter to monitor traffic to my site (results hidden at the moment), and one thing it shows me is that a large number of visitors to my site come from law blog. I think they read on his site that the law blog is now available in English, because I translated one piece, and when they come to my site they must be very disappointed. It also shows me what search words in Google brought people here, what time zones they come from, what browsers they use, whether these support style sheets or JavaScript and much else.
15 May 2003
Besuchsvormittag in der Justizvollzugsanstalt.
Ich stehe auf dem Flur vor den Gesprächszellen und warte darauf, dass mein nächster Mandant geholt wird. Da kommt ein Gesicht um die Ecke, das mir bekannt vorkommt.
Wir schütteln uns die Hände. Uni Bochum, juristisches Seminar. Wir haben schon mal in der Cafeteria geplaudert. Und beim Repetitor, waren wir da nicht auch zusammen?
Wie läuft das Geschäft?
Er guckt mich verlegen an.
Um genau zu sein, bin ich, äh, nicht direkt beruflich hier.
Karsten rechnet mit 3 Jahren. Ein schönes Beispiel dafür, dass man die Finger vom Geld seiner Mandanten lassen soll…
Prison visiting day.
I am standing in the corridor outside the visiting rooms and waiting for my next client to be brought. Then a face that seems familiar comes round the corner.
We shake hands. Bochum university, the law faculty. We once chatted in the cafeteria. And didnt we go to the same coach for the final exams?
Hows business?
He looks at me awkwardly.
To tell you the truth, Im er not exactly here as a lawyer.
Karsten expects to get three years. A good example of why we ought to keep our hands off clients money.