An occasional weblog in Italian by Isabella Massardo, who lives in the Netherlands and translates from Dutch and English into Italian. She mentions a Guardian article, from the TEFL section, called Lost in Translation, by Hae-Young Kim, of Duke University, who says that whether or not North Korea is actually reprocessing spent fuel rods hinges on a language problem (I seem to recall a theory that the bomb at Hiroshima did too).
To date I have found only one other translator weblog, which seems to have closed. It’s called The Translation Geek Daily News, and the last entry was exactly one year ago, on May 22nd, 2002. There must be others out there, but searching is difficult because ‘translation’ has other meanings: it can mean Babelfish and other kinds of machine translation, and, like ‘language’, it can refer to computer programs.
Yesterday I posted a query on the Movable Type users’ forum. I want to change the appearance of the weblog but am too impatient to learn about CSS style sheets properly. A member called Adam Rice gave me some help – but I didn’t know he was a Japanese-English translator – indeed, he runs the home page for Honyaku, a Japanese translators’ mailing list that has been around for a long time and I have often seen recommended. And here is a miscellaneous weblog by Adam Rice including entries on language and translation. Adam is in Austin, Texas.
Meanwhile, Josh Dillon, who gave Isabella the Guardian link, and whom I have already credited myself (in the Dutch notaries entry on May 18) is not only a translator but a pianist. Here’s a musical translation of his from the Dutch.
The link to Isabella Massardi’s weblog doesn’t work. I found it all the same ( and like it.
Thanks, Bettina. I corrected it. The ‘http://‘ was missing. The site looks good, doesn’t it, but there aren’t many entries.