Via Ernie the Attorney, who keeps a weblog etc. list, Sean Carter, a legal ‘humorist’. An example of his writing can be seen here, and a video clip of him in action here. I couldn’t understand a word of the clip, but it gave a good impression. Every week, he presents a new multiple choice Black Man’s Law Dictionary Challenge.The sample from his book ‘If it does not fit, must you acquit?’ looks as if it might be useful to learn U.S. legal vocabulary if you like that kind of thing.
Google did not throw up any German legal humorists, but this bizarre example of a page with legal humour:
bq. Willkommen im humorvollen Bereich von JuraPower, dem Internetportal für Rechtsanwender und Rechtsuchende. Diese Seiten sollen etwas vom grauen und trockenen Berufsalltag ablenken und beweisen, daß (selbst) Juristen Humor haben, durchaus einfallsreich sind und auch (mal) über sich selbst lachen können.
bq. (Welcome to the humour section of JuraPower, the Internet portal for those who apply the law and those who seek justice. These pages have been created to take you away from the grey and dry professional world and prove that (even) lawyers have a sense of humour, are imaginative and can laugh about themselves (sometimes).
The problem is that there are no jokes there but just travel ads.