Via Dishings, a ‘blog for TV business and legal affairs’: a report in the Times on a case where a High Court judge had to interpret the expressions ‘shizzle my nizzle’ and ‘mish mish man’.Mr Justice Lewison, who is 51 and has teenage children, did find a website, Urban Dictionary, to help him:
bq. For shizzle my nizzle, he told the court, it suggested for sure. Although he did not say so, it also offers the fuller translation: I concur, my African-American friend.
[Did The Times itself do its homework? The expression is apparently ‘fo’ shizzle my nizzle’: the Urban Dictionary is a site with words and definitions contributed by users, and rated by users: worth a look for anyone researching slang.]
The Times concludes that the judge has less reason to be embarrassed than the judges in some other much-reported cases, where judges didn’t understand ‘Lynford Christie’s lunchbox’ and ‘Teletubby’.