Google U.S. vs. Germany 3

This topic has been taken up on Blogalization. They also quote Martin Roell (email?) and Shockwave Rider in machine translation. I will offer a human translation (sometimes known in translation theory here as humane Übersetzung).bq. German:
Der große Aufruhr über diese Gängelung des Users ist natürlich ausgeblieben, weil Amerikaner damit kein Problem haben, sie merken es noch nicht einmal. Aber der Rest der Welt sollte darüber die Stirn runzeln.

bq. …Google hat bereits vor Monaten eingestanden, dass nicht mehr nur die technologische Herausforderung im Mittelpunkt steht, sondern durchaus die international-rechtliche Komponente zum Problem der aufstrebsamen Firma wurde. Und dieses Problem haben sie jetzt gelöst: Willkommen im neuen deutschen Web. Das lokale Web mit einer chinesischen Mauer. Ausreise erlaubt, aber nur für die, die bereits eine Adresse im Ausland kennen.

bq. MT:
The large riot over this Gaengelung users is naturally been missing, because Americans thereby have no problem, it notices it not even. But the remainder of the world should over it the forehead runzeln.

bq. Google has already months ago admitted that no longer only the technological challenge is located in the center, but the international-legal component for the problem of the rising seeds company became quite. And they now solved this problem: Welcomely in the new German Web. The local Web with a Chinese wall. Departure permits, but only for those, which already know an address abroad.

bq. MM:
Of course, there hasn’t been a great uproar about this patronizing treatment of users, because it doesn’t create any problems for Americans, and they don’t even notice it. But the rest of the world should be concerned [literally: knitting its brow]

bq. Google admitted months ago that it is no longer the technological challenge that is the centre of interest, and that Google’s problem as a company seeking growth is the aspect of international law. And it has now solved that problem: welcome to the new German Web, the local WWW with a Chinese wall around it. You can escape, but only if you already know an address abroad.

There is another point about Google that I haven’t mentioned, and I was reminded by a colleague in the CompuServe translators’ forum, who had investigated this recently: some neo-Nazi sites banned in Germany will not be shown in Google searches in

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