Austrian law resources 2

There is an Austrian interpreters’ association, Österreichischer Verband der Allgemein Beeideten und Gerichtlich Zertifizierten Dolmetscher, that issues a lot of printed materials on law. Here is a list.
They have Einführung in die Grundbegriffe des englischen Rechtssystems (an introduction to basic terminology of the English legal system), and similar documents for the USA, France, Spain, Italy, Japan and Turkey.

I am told the Spanish one is out of date. The English document just briefly describes the courts, with a note on the system of precedents.
Unforunately, the materials can’t be inspected before purchase.

What is quite interesting is Handbuch für Gerichtsdolmetscher: Einführung in die Terminologie des Prozeßrechts, Zivilrechts und Strafrechts in Österreich. The materials on the Austrian system in general are of interest. They are all sent as unbound packs of printed pages.

Here is a link to the Österreichischer Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherverband, Universitas.There are more links at Saarbrücken University. Some constitutional materials, some of them in English, at Würzburg University.

Here a page from the Library of Congress. This is very promising, whereas many of the linking pages contain little in themselves (for example, JURIST Austria).

Addendum: I’m adding some links given in the comments to the last entry by Ingmar Greil, who has given helpful comments before – but I failed to notice he has an Austrian email address.

Bundesgesetzblatt (Austrian Law Gazette)

Bundesministerium für Justiz



Österreichisches Parlament (with some English)

Ihr Amtshelfer – this is great: Amtsdeutsch glossary.

Österreichische Richtervereinigung information on data protection, telecommunications etc., including statutes.

Wolfgang Zankl – a law professor with interesting subject areas (I have just skimmed these sites as I am entering them here to make them easier to open).– FAQs on IT law.

Internet und Recht


Many thanks for those!

4 thoughts on “Austrian law resources 2

  1. The first website gets off to a pretty dodgy start in Eng. with ‘Welcome at’ and not ‘to the AACI’. The initial impact unfortunately tends to detract from the both-ways lang. trans. claim made elsewhere for Gerichtsdolmetscher.

  2. Yes, I saw that. In protest, I wanted to go in by the German pages, but I couldn’t get in! Should we tell them, or let them continue to look idiots?

  3. Yes. You can tell them. If you don’t, I’ll mention it to the Chair/wo/man next time I see her.

  4. I have sent them an e-mail. Actually, better than “Welcome at the AACI” would be “Welcome at the AACI website”. I didn’t even mention that ÖVGD would not necessarily be translated!

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