DORES – Dokumentation zu Recht und Sprache

The German language service of the Swiss Federal Chancellery publishes details of books, articles, conferences, judgments etc. on language and law in Switzerland and elsewhere. The details are in German, and you have to register (no charge). Every few months they send an email indicating there has been an update. They are responsible for translation too. DORES gives details, for example, of

bq. Dingwall, Silvia: English in Switzerland – is it legal? In: Murray, Heather (Hg.): anglais, Englisch, inglese, Englais, … English! (= Bulletin VALS/ASLA 77). Neuchâtel: Institut de linguistique 2003, 165 S..
and of

bq. Cotterill, Janet (Hrsg.) : Language in the Legal Process. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2002, 296 S..
(Aus der Linguist-List 13.3371, Dez. 2002)Linguists and lawyers from a range of countries and legal systems explore the language of the law and its participants, beginning with the role of the forensic linguist in legal proceedings, either as expert witness or in legal language reform. Subsequent chapters analyze different aspects of language and interaction in the chain of events from a police emergency call through the police interview context and into the courtroom, as well as appeal court and alternative routes to justice.

and of

bq. Jowett, Ben: Workbook for Lawyers using English as a Foreign Language. Zürich: Schulthess 2003, 74 S..

Here is another description of the latter, at Schulthess.

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