A Fistful of Euros is a new blog that describes itself like this:
bq. This is the blog you want for creative, English-language coverage of European affairs.
One of the first entries is about the EU style recommendation that we should write (say) ‘one Euro, two Euro’ in English, whereas it seems more natural to write ‘one euro, two euros’. There was some discussion about this a long time ago on translators’ lists and I am definitely in the ‘euros’ camp, although in formal texts I write ‘EUR 2.00’.
The article quotes Michael Everson in Ireland in a radio interview:
bq. I am on a bit of a crusade about this because we’re having … we’re facing a sociolinguistic disaster right now, I mean, it’s almost class-ridden, you know? You’ve got ordinary folk on Thomas Street and Camden Street saying “euros and cents”, quite happily. And then you’ve got, you know — I don’t know who they are, whether it’s they’re better educated or they’re just Dublin 4 or what, you know, and they’re being very careful to say “euro and cent”. And there’s a reason for all of this, and I guess I’m going to have to point my finger at Mr McCreevy because he’s at the top of the heap…. But whether or not he took any decisions or was just badly informed, I don’t know. Now there’s two pieces of legislation which are, sort of, relevant there. One is a European Council Directive from 1997 — number 1103/97 — which says that, basically, OK, “we consider that the name of the single currency has to be the same in all the official languages of the Union.”
Read the article for more detail, and the comments. It also quotes the EU English Style Guide, which is produced by the English units of the Commission’s translation service:
bq. Guidelines on the use of the euro, issued via the Secretariat-General, state that the plurals of both ‘euro’ and ‘cent’ are to be written without ‘s’ in English. Do this when amending or referring to legal texts that themselves observe this rule. Elsewhere, and especially in documents intended for the general public, use the natural plural with ‘s’ for both terms.
(From languagehat).