I reported once on the Berlin interpreter trial. Recently it came to an end. On August 28th Richard Schneider reported it. The main defendant, Kemal E., was convicted of 47 cases of professional fraud and sentenced him to four-and-a-half years’ imprisonment.
The story can be found in the archives of Richard Schneider’s Nachrichtenportal (news portal) at www.uebersetzer-portal.info. The site uses frames, so I can’t give an exact link.
Richard Schneider does always find interesting news, I presume from direct contacts. On September 5th he cited a small article in BerlinOnline , a note in the Berliner Zeitung by Johannes Gernert, describing some journalists attempting to translate ‘Tony Blair sexed up the report’: ‘Journalisten sind eben doch Übersetzer.’
Meanwhile, someone reminded me that Robin Stocks, at the Bonner Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherforum (Bonn forum for translators and interpreters), runs a weblog with news for and from members. I remember when I was first toying with the idea of starting a weblog looking at Robin’s source code and noticing this.