I just received a new dictionary list for 2003/2004 from Kater Verlag. However, the list can be consulted just as well online. Especially for anyone outside Germany, who may not even want to order from Kater Verlag, the great thing about the list online is that you can see a couple of pages of each dictionary. You select the book you are interested in and click on Entscheidungshilfe (decision help). Here should be a two-page spread from the monolingual German police dictionary. I will look here again when the new Gelbrich and Reinwaldt architecture dictionary (Bauwesen) DE>EN appears, and I can see how much it’s changed from the first edition, which I am very pleased with.
Grant and Cutler in London will send a page or two as a fax, however. Another dictionary seller is La Maison du Dictionnaire in France.