Inter alia is good today. It announces Say What?!, a ‘weblog of classic humour from U.S. district judge Jerry Buchmeyer’.
bq. Since 1980, U.S. District Judge Jerry Buchmeyer has entertained lawyers far and wide with his “et cetera” column in the Texas Bar Journal. For this page, we’ve reached into the vault to bring you classic material spanning two decades of courtroom humor most of which comes straight from actual depostions and trials. We’ll post a new laugh each day, and new articles each month.
Here’s a sample:
bq. April 1990 – Recalling & Recollecting
This excerpt comes from Judge Frank Andrews of Dallas (116th District Court) and from a trial in his court:
bq. Q. (By Mr. Flint) Mr. Tipton, is there any disagreement to your knowledge between the parties as to what portion of Mrs. Williams’ body or what part of her body or cell structure or whatever is injured?
A. I don’t recall.
Q. Would that be helpful to your recollection if you did recall?
Mr. Kizzia: Excuse me, I object to the question as ambiguous. It doesn’t make sense. It’s unintelligible, really.
The Court: (wisley) Sustained