ATA coverage on U.S. media

The American Translators Association held its annual conference at Phoenix, Arizona two weeks ago. Large numbers of photographs are available at the ATA site.

(LATER NOTE: the photographs are of the Atlanta conference in 2002 – sorry about that)

There was also media coverage, in particular on the topic of the U.S. government’s new National Virtual Translation Center (apparently the translators are real). The director of the NVTC, Everette Jordan, gave a keynote address on the subject at the conference. Video and audio clips are available at Downloading is apparently recommended. To quote Kevin Hendzel on Compuserve:


1. TV interview with ATA President Tom West on Fox News TV (national) ednesday November 5.
2. TV interview with ATA PR Committee Co-Chair Kevin Hendzel, NBC TV (Phoenix) Thursday November 6.
3. TV coverage with short comments by Kevin Hendzel and Everette Jordan, including conference shots, ABC and CBS TV (Phoenix).
4. TV interview with Everette Jordan, CNN Live, Sunday morning November 8 (Phoenix).
5. TV coverage with short comments by Kevin Hendzel and Everette Jordan, CNN Headline News national and international (rebroadcast all Sunday evening.)
6. TV coverage on local CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox affiliates in 21 national markets taken from CNN coverage.



1. Radio interview on NPR Radio Marketplace (national) on Friday November 7 with Kevin Hendzel.
2. Radio interview on Radio America (national) on Saturday November 8 with Kevin Hendzel.
3. Radio coverage of conference, quotes by Everette Jordan on KFNN, KFYI and KTAR radio (Phoenix).

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