Blogpause für etwa 2 Wochen.
I shall not be blogging for two weeks or so. I can’t absolutely promise, because I have some technical equipment at my disposal, but it may not work, and even if it does, I might not have anything to say.
Blogpause für etwa 2 Wochen.
I shall not be blogging for two weeks or so. I can’t absolutely promise, because I have some technical equipment at my disposal, but it may not work, and even if it does, I might not have anything to say.
“Have had a nice time, if that’s an appropriate suggestion,” said Tom, asynchronously.
Yes, enjoy the break and come back safe, sound and refreshed!
I bet you 10 eurocents that you’ll be posting by the end of the week…
Happy Blogpause Margaret!
A restful break, unless you’re ‘vacationing’ in Pristina, Baghdad or Kabul.
Many thanks to all well-wishers (she replied un-Swiftly).
Why did I not post by the end of the week? There were technical reasons, although I almost succeeded via PDA and Wi-Fi.
I was once asked if I could go to Pristina and do DE>EN legal translations for two weeks, but fortunately, perhaps, I was otherwise engaged.