The translation weblog On-Time Updates, which always looked promising, has closed.
Steve Maas writes that he has been finding writing more of a chore than an enjoyment. He says his website will be continuing in other areas.
I wish Steve all the best (he’s disabled commenting because of spam). Of course, many of the weblogs I link publish very rarely and some are probably defunct, but I like the idea of making a statement to inform your readers. Maybe Steve will come back to blogging at some future time.
Myself, I find I’m not writing what I originally intended to write, nor am I taking much time to polish my English. If I took more time, I could write shorter and more elegant entries. I did two exemplary posts in the early days: one was a story (the layout is a bit heavy), and the other was a summary in outline form. I have written less on specific problems of translation than I intended to (I should keep a list of the terms people search for in my blog). But there is always something to report about translation or law or weblogs.