A touch of the Hannibal Lectors in this presentation. This jelly (Jell-O) model of a brain used a mould from the Anatomical Chart Company.
Bruce Stern, of the Traumatic Brain Injury weblog, reports on a case where a jelly mould was used, where the judge would not allow a pig’s brain to be used to demonstrate to the jury how fragile the brain is – human brains are not allowed in court anyway – oh dear, that’s not quite the right way to put it, is it? He writes ‘Purchase of a human brain is illegal’ – so you have to make do with what you’ve got.
Here’s a medical modelling site.
This is a lexBlog, set up and run for a law firm. There is an interview in the new llrx.com with Kevin O’Keeffe, who owns lexBlog, and he mentions some interesting legal blogs. Another is Arnie Herz’s legal sanity, which has some very interesting reports on finds on the Web.