Here’s a Swedish-English translation blog, currently on hiatus (I should be on hiatus too):
bq. Lagomduktig documents a quest to unravel the mysteries of translating the Swedish language. The views expressed on this site are our own and do not reflect those of our employers or their clients. ©Copyright Billy McCormac / Paul O’Mahony email: /
(Via my referrer webbpennan)
Many thanks for this link to which browsers have to sign up before posting a comment – sthg about credit card details wanted for the registration process! Rather off-putting.
Yes, not credit card details, but need for registration – irritating, I agree, and the registration screen keeps popping up. Antville is the same. I prefer Blogger, where you can at least post anonymously.
In the last 23 hours, I have had 52 attempts to post comment spam (i.e. containing advertising links) to my blog. They were warded off by MT-Blacklist, except for one, which I’ve now added. I quite like the systems where you are registered by the blogger after the first time, or your comment is looked at before being posted, or you have to type in a letter that’s shown as a graphic, which excludes spambots.