Ein Wiki auf deutsch für technische Redakteure. Alexander von Obert hat auch einige Übersetzerseiten und -links.
Quite some time ago, Robin Stocks at Carob linked to Alexander von Obert’s Techwriter’s Wiki, or Wiki des Techwriters Home. This is all in German. There is a part for translators there too, with subcategories for Software, Texterstellung and Juristisches. It’s all very new as yet.
Alexander von Obert runs Übersetzerportal (frames), which has links to jobs, books for sale, dictionaries, to Techwriter’s Home (the original site from which all this developed), to Richard Schneider’s Nachrichtenportal (opens in a frame), always worth looking at, to Bruno Aeschbacher’s list of translators’ mailing lists and to Alexander’s calendar of events. The last, and perhaps other sections, should be taken over by the wiki.
On the Techwriter’s Home page, there are also a large number of links for translators.
In particular, Alexander runs mailing lists for literary translators (u-litfor) and the hoi polloi translators (u-forum). He thinks literary translators are brilliant. The trouble with a literary translators’ list is that half is interesting and half consists of requests to each other to find existing official translations into German of quotations that come up in other works.