
I’m just experimenting with Flickr and Smugmug again. The above photo is at Smugmug. I made it smaller, but it wasn’t easy to find the dimensions of a ‘small’ photo.

It seems that if I blog a photo at Flickr, the link shows my ‘photostream’. I would like the photostream to be omitted.

With Smugmug, I have the advantage that I can create private or password-protected galleries and make them available to different people. With Flickr, every party group would get to see every other party group. I read in a forum message that Flickr is said to be ‘working on this’.

I like the way Flickr allows text to be added, but the other features are more important to me at the moment.

This is from Flickr. I think I’ll have to ask about avoiding the photostream. Then again, it’s nice to be able to click through and see other sizes:


2 thoughts on “Photos

  1. It’s in Nuremberg. I took the photo to blog last year but forgot about it. I had a visit from an American translator friend and she happened to see this and say you would *never* see anything like that in the USA, so I was reminded of it.

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