Here is some miscellaneous weblog reading:
Claire at anggarrgoon has been reporting on fieldwork on an aboriginal (I think) language, I presume on some island near Australia – unfortunately not all under the category Fieldwork, but from about May 13 to July 14:
bq. We can’t tape stories because there’s always someone getting up to go outside for a smoke (the door creaks badly and they try to open it quietly, ergo slowly) or making tea (boiling jug, running water) or humbugging me for jam and sugar (last time I had all the ladies here at once we went through nearly half a kilo of sugar just in tea) or having another conversation in the background. We did some of the motionland videos and some of the “cut” and “break” stimuli. I didn’t want to do them with LM there because she always wants to say things in the simplest way possible, why use a verb meaning “split something lengthwise in half with a sharp tool” when you can use a generic word like “cut”? Why use “slide” when you can use “move”, the same word you’ve used for all the previous sentences?
From kalebeul: Buying goldfinches:
bq. Im beginning to suspect that a lot of people come out walking principally for the bizarre drinking opportunities encountered on the way. This morning we were having coffee, shots and doughnuts in an Andalucian bar in Nou Barris (one of the many variations on the Collserola ridge route) when a ridiculously sleek blue car with XXL wheels drew up outside and a gent with gorgeous black locks came in carrying a couple of small canvas-covered cages. … Stuff you and your fucking canaries, said the gypsy, have you never heard an Andalusian finch sing?
And for the hot weather: Ostblog had some wonderful pictures of barbecuing in the GDR in 1967. This was on June 22. The following photo is smaller than the original:
bq. Eine besondere Überraschung für Ihre Gäste ist der Schlaraffenbaum, an dem Sie allerlei Appetithappen anbringen können. Er läßt sich ebenfalls leicht herstellen. Nehmen Sie einen 1,20 m langen Besenstiel und bohren Sie in Abständen von 20 cm Löcher hinein.
Durch diese Löcher werden 40 cm lange Dübelstangen gesteckt. Auf die waagerecht zueinanderstehenden Stangen die Nahrungsmittel aufspießen. Gurkenscheiben, Apfel, Salzstangen und Käsehappen erhalten vorher ein Loch. Zum Ausstechen eignet sich am besten ein Apfelstecher oder ein Tablettenröhrchen aus Kunststoff oder Metall. Um das Holz schmutzunempfindlich zu machen, sollte man das Gestell nach vorherigem Abschmirgeln mit farblosem Lack überziehen. Der Baum findet in einem Weihnachtsbaumständer guten Halt.