Ich werde ein Berliner

The Independent reports that the Guardian is soon to become a Berliner.

Having last year decided to join the exodus from the broadsheet market – led by The Independent, with The Times in hot pursuit – but plumping for the hybrid Berliner size rather than a tabloid shape, The Guardian’s stately progress became a gallop when it brought forward the date of its conversion.

English Wikipedia:

Most modern newspapers are in one of three sizes:
* broadsheets (29½ by 23½ inches, or about 749 by 597 mm), generally associated with more intellectual newspapers.
* tabloids: half the size of broadsheets, and often seen as sensationalist in contrast to them.
* Berliner or midi (470×315 mm), used by European papers such as Le Monde.

German Wikipedia:

Norddeutsches Format (auch Nordisches Format) (400 x 570 mm)
Rheinisches Format (350 x 510 mm oder 360 x 530 mm)
Schweizer Format (320 x 475 mm)
Berliner Format (315 x 470 mm)
Halbnordisches Format (auch Tabloid oder Half-Broadsheet, 235 x 315 mm oder 285 x 400 mm)
Halbrheinisches Format (260 x 325 mm)
Halbes Berliner Format
Weitere Formate
* Broadsheet (295 x 533 mm)
* Halbes Schweizer Format (240 x 330 mm)
* Tabloid Extra (305 x 457 mm)
* Asahi Shimbun (Japan) (405 x 545 mm)
* Le Figaro (Frankreich) (425 x 600 mm)
* New York Times (390 x 585 mm)
* Prawda (Russland) (420 x 594 mm)

3 thoughts on “Ich werde ein Berliner

  1. That seems to be what they say. Does Le Monde have two different formats? I have a tape measure here, but no Le Monde.
    One wonders if the French Wikipedia might help? I am not getting anywhere though. There is a site somewhere with the front covers of all newspapers, but that might not help.

  2. I had a peek at a Le Monde in Borders – it is slightly smaller than the Big Broadsheets, but if that’s supposed to rescue the Grauniad, they are doomed with doom sprinkles on top.

    Cutting down on the endless, gratingly smug London=centric Oxbridge meeja-meeja lifestyle junk strikes me as a better way to revive the ‘bladet, in any case. (Assuming that actually doing a good job on news coverage is beyond the bounds of reasonable possibility.)

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