Is anyone in Cologne prepared to use public transport and pretend they don’t speak any German?
Ei dont belief sis. Guide:
Begrüßung, Vorstellung, Verabschiedung
|Guten Morgen |Good morning |Gutt morning|
|Guten Tag |Good afternoon| Gutt afternun|
|Guten Abend |Good evening |Gutt iwening|
|Gute Nacht |Good night |Gutt neit|
|Hallo! |Hello! |Hello|
|Mein Name ist |My name is
|Mai näim is
|Wie geht es Ihnen? |How are you? |Hau ahr ju?|
|Danke, gut. Und Ihnen? |Fine, thanks. And you? |Fein, sänks. Änd ju?|
|Auf Wiedersehen. |Goodbye. |God bai.|
|Bis morgen! |See you tomorrow. |Sie ju tomorro!|
|Bis später! |See you later! |Sie ju läiter!|
|Viel Vergnügen. |Enjoy yourself. |Inschoi jurself.|
This is a guide for the World Youth Day that has now been put on the Internet because people were interested (25 short pages in PDF).
Via Andere Ansicht
“Gutt neit“? There must be better choices than that, surely?
What do you suggest? The noun Neid (envy) sounds very similar to night.
Dunno, but the diphthong starts kind of high in my alleged German.
I know what you mean, but is there any other version that you think would lead to better results among the staff on Cologne public transport? Are you thinking of nait? In normal German spelling that would probably be found in borrowings from French, like fait accompli.
I haven’t actually given any thought to giving these people really good pronunciation – when I read through the right-hand column, I just hear a cartoon German in my head. Perhaps I have not been taking it seriously enough.
But what did strike me was the lack of stress information. Gutt iwening in German calls for a stress on the second syllable, I would think.
I forgot Neustadt an der Aisch. But that ai is not pronounced differently from ei.