If you thought the election news in Germany was bad, just listen to Deutsche Welle’s Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten (full text available to print out).
bq. Jeden Tag finden Sie hier die 10-Uhr-Nachrichten aus dem deutschen Radioprogramm langsam und verständlich gesprochen. Neben der Audio-Datei zum Herunterladen (MP3) finden Sie auch den vollen Text zum Ausdrucken.
I think they have someone speaking slowly and clearly, but they have slowed it down marginally, in a sort of reverse Chipmunks move. It sounds really funereal.
In this way you can learn to understand spoken German and finish up wishing you’d never started.
(Via Desbladet)
I didn’t quite make it to the end, I admit – there were serious will-to-live issues.
Since they’re making the text available anyway, they could do it at the normal speed with pauses, couldn’t they? I hope it doesn’t encourage people to talk like that.
Or I suppose a person could record the 10 o’clock news and replay it with pauses.
It’s a good thing. For transcontinential broadcasts that suffer from interference. Thanks for the link. The MP3s may be useful for my assistant.
Well, I’m glad to hear it’s useful for someone!