Carlos Ferrero Martín links to new(ish) translation blogs:
365 traducciones: José Luis Justes Amador, in Mexico, publishes a poem a day, with its translation into Spanish.
Internet: un nuevo mundo: Gloria Fiorani, a student of translation in Italy (Italian and Spanish)
Traduciendo el mundo: Jelen, a student of translation in Madrid
Versión Original: Eva Ruiz, a translator and interpreter who specializes in subtitles, voice-overs and dubbing)
TraduBits is in Catalan: Josep Tarrés has been blogging for a bit longer.
(Thanks to Trevor on the Night of the Tarantula)
Raining, it is.
Hi, thank you for linking me! I only would like to add that I translate (well, I try to translate, as I am only a student) from English and from Spanish to Italian, even if I only write my blog in Spanish.
Thanks for linking me, too.