Bagels almost make it to Fürth

It looks like a bagel – it smells like a bagel – it tastes like a bagel:


But it’s a beagle!


19 thoughts on “Bagels almost make it to Fürth

  1. I think this is a complex question. They are both correct, but which should you use? It’s usually an American thing to simplify spelling (thru, lite etc.) and some of it crosses the Pond, at least in advertisements. But sometimes you see the version ‘donut’ being used for the American ring doughnut and ‘doughnut’ for something more like the basic German one. I should imagine there is more about this on the Web.

  2. “I think this is a complex question” :-)

    “Germany” can mean Bavaria, Saxony, Northern Germany etc. . The Term “Krapfen” is used for different bakery products, depending on the region you ask for it. But you’re right, sometimes they use it in the way you describe it.

  3. No, I should apologize – it’s just that whenever non-Germans mention a word for doughnuts, they risk hearing this. At least you didn’t mention President Kennedy …

  4. I have had bagels in NY, and the ones I had in London were small and a bit too hard. This one was quite soft. Still, we have very good Laugenbrötchen here, and although the inside is completely different, the idea of using brine or whatever it is is the same.
    However, we’re talking here not about bagels, but about beagles, and in that respect I don’t think your informant has a leg to stand on (although she might have four).

  5. The only bagel I ever had in Germany turned out to have pieces of bacon in it which discouraged me from trying any others. Maybe I should try a beagle?

  6. This topic is doing wonders for my Google ads.
    The one I had (top picture) had lettuce, sliced cheese, tomato (can be seen through the hole), cream cheese and hard-boiled egg. This kind of filling, plus a bit of ham sometimes, has been common here for a few years. Is it used all over Germany?
    The ones in front (second picture) have a filling I have never tried and tend to think of as Bavarian. It’s Bavarian ‘Camembert’ sprinkled with paprika powder, a combination that may not have occurred to the inhabitants of Normandy.

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