Popbitch reports (20 January) that an episode of South Park featuring Tom Cruise is not to be shown in the United Kingdom. The episode can be seen here. It had Tom Cruise locking himself in Stan’s closet and used the punchline ‘Tom Cruise won’t come out of the closet’ twenty-eight times.
bq. The final line of the show is
Tom telling the “South Park” kids “I’m gonna
sue you! I’m gonna sue you in England!”
According to The Sun, Cruise is litigious and doesn’t like the episode, and the channel Paramount didn’t want to take the risk.
Eine Folge von South Park, in der Tom Cruise sich in einen Schrank einschließt und durch ein Wortspiel als Homosexueller beschrieben wird, wird in England nicht gezeigt, da der Sender Paramount Angst vor einer Klage hat.
Many thanks to Trevor (link may be temporarily down).