Peter Griffin’s edition of Tocats pel foc (Catalan original by Pedrolo with English translation by Griffin) has been taken over by a publisher and can be got for $15. See amazon, for example (two Catalan persons appear to have given it the thumbs-up already).
The ISBN is 0977498808.
Thanks, Margaret.
I guess I should clarify things a little bit. “Touched by Fire: A Bilingual Edition of Manuel de Pedrolo’s Tocats pel foc” was printed in 1993 by Peter Lang Publishing. In 2003 the rights reverted to me, I bought 490 copies from them, and they kept about 40. In September 2005 I submitted a copy to Barnes & Noble’s Small Press Department, and they promptly advised me that before they could do anything with it I would have to get a new ISBN and barcode for it, since the original ISBN belonged to Peter Lang. I then filled out an “Application for an ISBN Publisher Prefix” and sent it with the necessary fees to the ISBN U.S. Agency (R.R. Bowker), and got my Publisher Prefix 09774988, which identifies me, Peter Griffin, as the publisher and a block of ten ISBNs. Then I assigned the first number on that list to what is thus far my sole publication, and corrected and completed Bowker’s on-line information for Books in Print.
I got some EAN labels printed, showing the ISBN, the retail price, and the corresponding barcode; and sent a copy to Barnes & Noble with one of these labels affixed to the back cover. Then they began their six-week review process, and when that was done they wrote to let me know that “the buyer for the category” had decided to place an order for approximately twenty-five copies, but that I would first have to reach a written agreement with a wholesaler or distributor, and that the ISBN on the copyright page would have to match that on the barcode label. So I got some more stickers made for the copyright page, and then proceeded to get educated about distributors and wholesalers. Once I got confirmation that I had become “an established vendor with Baker & Taylor Books,” I wrote back to the man at Barnes & Noble, as he had asked me to do. Now I hope it won’t be much longer before the book is added to Barnes & Noble’s database and they place their first order. The books are still in my possession, but available by back-order through Baker & Taylor.
Now, if I finally succeed in marketing the remainder of this first run, I can go ahead and produce a second edition, and maybe I’ll make a profit on it someday.