Pedrolo Catalan novel update 2

Peter Griffin’s edition of Tocats pel foc (Catalan original by Pedrolo with English translation by Griffin) has been taken over by a publisher and can be got for $15. See amazon, for example (two Catalan persons appear to have given it the thumbs-up already).
The ISBN is 0977498808.

One thought on “Pedrolo Catalan novel update 2

  1. Thanks, Margaret.

    I guess I should clarify things a little bit. “Touched by Fire: A Bilingual Edition of Manuel de Pedrolo’s Tocats pel foc” was printed in 1993 by Peter Lang Publishing. In 2003 the rights reverted to me, I bought 490 copies from them, and they kept about 40. In September 2005 I submitted a copy to Barnes & Noble’s Small Press Department, and they promptly advised me that before they could do anything with it I would have to get a new ISBN and barcode for it, since the original ISBN belonged to Peter Lang. I then filled out an “Application for an ISBN Publisher Prefix” and sent it with the necessary fees to the ISBN U.S. Agency (R.R. Bowker), and got my Publisher Prefix — 09774988, which identifies me, Peter Griffin, as the publisher — and a block of ten ISBNs. Then I assigned the first number on that list to what is thus far my sole publication, and corrected and completed Bowker’s on-line information for Books in Print.

    I got some EAN labels printed, showing the ISBN, the retail price, and the corresponding barcode; and sent a copy to Barnes & Noble with one of these labels affixed to the back cover. Then they began their six-week review process, and when that was done they wrote to let me know that “the buyer for the category” had decided to place an order for approximately twenty-five copies, but that I would first have to reach a written agreement with a wholesaler or distributor, and that the ISBN on the copyright page would have to match that on the barcode label. So I got some more stickers made for the copyright page, and then proceeded to get educated about distributors and wholesalers. Once I got confirmation that I had become “an established vendor with Baker & Taylor Books,” I wrote back to the man at Barnes & Noble, as he had asked me to do. Now I hope it won’t be much longer before the book is added to Barnes & Noble’s database and they place their first order. The books are still in my possession, but available by back-order through Baker & Taylor.

    Now, if I finally succeed in marketing the remainder of this first run, I can go ahead and produce a second edition, and maybe I’ll make a profit on it someday.


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