There are several kinds of multilingual legislative drafting: serial drafting, co-drafting / parallel drafting. Words like double, joint and alternate also crop up. Here is a memorandum, Technical Issues in Collaborative Multilingual Legislative Drafting, by William J. McIver Jr., a Canadian.
I am noting this because I picked up sounds of a few things I didn’t know at the Düsseldorf conference. The speaker was Agnieszka Doczekalska, on Drafting or translation – production of multilingual legal texts.
There’s something about this in Susan arčević’s New Approach to Legal Translation, a book I have never been able to get on with very well, probably mainly because its main topic is multilingual statutes. I tend to think of multilingual drafting as lawyers’, not translators’, work, although there is obviously some translation involved.
Another thing I know even less about is that statutory drafters in the EU meet up for conferences on XML. As far as I can tell, this is because it is relevant to software that assists drafting, and the XML differs from country to country. Here is Drafting Legislation Using XML at the U.S. House of Representatives. And here is a brochure on the Third Workshop on Legislative XML.