Die ‘petite anglaise’, Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin bei einer englischen Wirtschaftsprüferfirma in Paris und heimliche aber vielgelesene Bloggerin, hat ihre Stelle verloren – wie in englischen Zeitschriften und ihrem Blog jetzt berichtet.
Catherine of ‘petite anglaise’ has lost her day job (weblog) at Dixon Wilson, a British accountancy firm in Paris. I’m a bit late on reporting this, and the Telegraph site seems to be down (a couple of days ago they reported it in their news as an exclusive, where I saw it at the time, and in their weblog too) so I refer to Fistful of Euros for the other links – including one to a Channel 4 interview.
She will be taking the firm to court for unfair dismissal.
The weblog Journal d’un avocat has also examined the affair (French). It appears that the employer’s letter gives fewer concrete details than Callboy Torsten:
bq. Ce n’est pas bien, c’est indiscutable. Ce qui l’est tout autant, c’est qu’aucun extrait de ces textes “inacceptables” et “dénigrants” n’est cité à titre de démonstration. L’employeur se contente d’affirmer, et substitue son appréciation aux faits objectifs. Devant le Conseil, ils ont intérêts à produire les passages incriminés, s’ils existent, car les juges ne se contenteront pas de l’appréciation de l’employeur et voudront examiner eux même ces fameux passages.
The weblog has been compared to Bridget Jones, but it isn’t all in that style. I remember an account, in several stages, of Catherine’s experience as an adopted child. And there are very few references to her job in the blog anyway.