In the Texas Appellate Advocate, summer 2006, there’s an article, Legalese in the Age of IM (Instant Messaging) by Roger Hughes suggesting SMS abbreviations for judges and lawyers:
ASSA = assuming arguendo
WADR = with all due respect
MIPC = May it please the Court
THJTC = The Honorable Justices of This Court
OFG = Open the flood gates
2SL = slippery slope
ATC = all things considered
and so on. More in the comments (e.g. IKIWICI: I know it when I see it). We are informed:
bq. Mr. Hughes had his sense of humor surgically removed before graduating in 1977 from the University of Texas School of Law. His lack of drollery lead directly to being board certified in Civil Appellate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He can be found puzzling over witticisms and double-entendres at Adams & Graham, L.L.P., in Harlingen, Texas. He wishes to
thank contributions from his colleagues whose humor is not similarly impaired: Don Wittig, Doug Alexander, Roger Townsend, Scott Clark, and the editors.
Here’s a less legal dictionary of SMS, BuzzWhack.
Via Forensic Linguistics list and Wall Street Journal law blog.