Zur Zeit sind wegen technischer Probleme keine Kommentare möglich.
The reason no comments are possible here at the moment is because my comment-blocking system, MT-Blacklist (by Jay Allen of Movable Type, but no longer supported) is blocking some important combination of letters.
This in turn happened because some comedian sent me some spam comment designed to have this very effect.
I am using Movable Type 2.64, which is out of date and comes from a time before there was much comment spam. I see that languagehat uses MT 2.63, so I am not alone here. And today one of Steve’s commenters wrote:
bq. (I couldn’t post the comment with the full town name, because the system takes it, or at least the letters D—g, as “questionable content”.)
Thus are commenters censored and may not write Dryagovets. Here at Transblawg, however, Dryagovets is not the only thing you can’t write.
I will try to sort this out, but as MT Blacklist is no longer supported I may be forced to do without comments until I move the blog or start a new one. The latter is beginning to look more and more appealing.