12 thoughts on “Number plates/Schilder

  1. I wonder what they cost Margaret? In the UK (if we ignore that fact that such combinations of letters would have probably been banned by some quirky, wacky legislation), they would be on sale in one of the daily papers for squillions. Germans don’t seem to be aware of the import of the word. Am always hearing radio DJs here saying it as part of a song title … “hier die neue Single von den “F**king Fa**s” … “F**king Wednesday” …. good for a laugh though…

  2. Paul writes: “I wonder what they cost Margaret?”
    He obviously knows something about MM that I did’t know.
    Come on Margaret, spill the beans, what did they cost you?
    (Or am I just comma-starved?)

  3. Paul obviously knows a lot of things a lot of people don’t know.
    This seems to be official – it’s part of the Einwohnermeldeamt building. I suppose you can get them if you ask and are lucky, but I presume it’s an advertisement for numberplates rather than those particular numberplates! Actually mine is F

  4. “Paul obviously knows a lot of things a lot of people don’t know” … I’m intrigued Margaret…
    Of course, here in the Stuttgart area, lots of folks opt for number plates leading with “S EX…”
    Have also seen lots of (obviously) turks from T

  5. Can’t remember seeing any. I have come across people from the church scene who were pleased to have B-ET (thinking of the German meaning, not the English one). My current plate came with the (second-hand) car and is a plain B-F.
    I can’t remember any saucy versions at the moment. I’m on the road for the weekend (from this afternoon), so I’ll try and see if anything jumps out at the eyeball.

  6. Living in Erfurt, I’ve thought about EF UK and
    EF EU. Anything else obvious I’m missing, EF-wise?

    In Berlin, my inner teenager would consider BFD or BFE.

  7. Have a look at the article, Paul. There are tabs at the top you can click on. They have history and discussion. Sometimes contributors just have an IP address – that would be me if I change a spelling mistake – sometimes they have nicknames and even entries with their profile. But it may involve work.

  8. I’ll have to check it out and see if it contains bugbear Au abbreviations and acronyms – not apparent from the sample page – and, if so, can fill in the gaps of the AZR: Abk

  9. These terms aren’t all easily findable in Russwurm or the Web, though. As you say, the AZR is not complete, although it does have a wider range of abbreviations than the German Kirchner/Butz.
    There are a lot of abbreviations in this dictionary, but you don’t say which you have problems with. But I think you can risk buying it. for example, Abg. z. BR etc., AHR, ADV, AHS, AK, AKH, AKM (which is like German GEMA), Altes AKH, AMS – to name a few.
    Btw I don’t think

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