This is a Sandgrasnelke which I photographed last Sunday. I don’t know what it is, except that it is a kind of pink or carnation and its leaves and stems are covered with wax to withstand a dry climate. I don’t think it should be flowering in November, somehow.
LATER NOTE: it’s armeria elongata, not a carnation at all. Armeria maritima is thrift, and is similar – this is a subspecies.
What would you put on a Christmas card for translators, then?
That’s easy. “Happy Christmas” or whatever is appropriate in about 500 languages, many of them wrong.
A picture is more difficult, though. But a person in a booth with headphones on is a translator, isn’t it? And red felt reindeer horns.
Any other suggestions?
>>But a person in a booth with headphones on is a translator, isn’t it?
Paul, my joke was too subtle for you?
Yes Margaret …. I confess…
If only I could “do” cartoons, a possible idea:
Caption: “Horace used a special receptacle for his most trusted dictionaries.”
Picture: a waste paper basket containing a higgledy-piggeldy assortment of all our favourite directionaries.
(Or is this idea too subtle, too?)