The Tenth Criminal Chamber of the Bochum Landgericht has released an interpreter after 19 months’ pre-trial detention. He is charged with 1392 counts of fraud, about 800 counts of falsification of documents and tax evasion in the amount of 1.2 million euros. It is not yet clear how many of these charges will stand, but he has been released over the New Year as there is thought to be no danger of his absconding.
The offences relate to altering documentation for the medical and psychological test that many people have to undergo in Germany if they have lost their driving licences and want them back (MPU: medizinisch-psychologische Untersuchung). The interpreter is alleged to have helped Turkish speakers to pass this test.
Apparently the fraud charges can’t be upheld if the customers knew of the deception in advance.
In der Anklageschrift wird dem Dolmetscher vorgeworfen, vornehmlich türkischstämmige Landsleute, die ihren Führerschein verloren hatten, durch falsche Übersetzungen und andere Manipulationen durch die medizinisch-psychologische Untersuchung (MPU) geschleust zu haben. Wenn das stimmt, waren die “Idiotentests” mit diesem Mann an der Seite also wahrhaft “idiotensichere” Aufgaben. Einer der Haupttatorte war angeblich die MPU-Stelle in Recklinghausen.
The MPU test is called the ‘idiots’ test’. Here’s an idiots’ translation about it.
(From Recklinghäuser Zeitung, via Derek on – I didn’t realize the adjective from Recklinghausen had an umlaut)