Is this just the new habit of celebrating St. George’s Day, or is it the BNF? (Similar questions would arise if Germany had a patron saint’s day)
Quorn in Sainsbury’s, Hornchurch:
Mysterious sign:
Local wildlife:
Is this just the new habit of celebrating St. George’s Day, or is it the BNF? (Similar questions would arise if Germany had a patron saint’s day)
Quorn in Sainsbury’s, Hornchurch:
Mysterious sign:
Local wildlife:
If foxes are wild, how come they’re scared of little puddytats?
In relation to photo 1, Margaret, I had what I guess will be my last ever fag in a British pub last Saturday. I will however be tempted to light up the next time I visit … just to see how many police, Special Branch and sniffer dogs arrive.
trevor: are they all? They don’t seem all that aggressive, but last week a fox did chase the ginger cat away – admittedly only away from the food – and two kittens (at least under 6 months old) next door disappeared – the body of one of them found chewed up in the next street – a year or two ago.
Paul: were you in Bristol? Maybe if you wave the England flag it’ll be OK.
I was indeed in Bristol Margaret. Also Tunbridge Wells, North Wales, Morpeth, Chester and Exmouth. My dog also passed the immigration test for foreign, potentially rabies-carrying dogs, cats and ferrets. I must admit, apart from the usual ubiquitous anti-smoking remarks and passive-smoking paranoia, I had a great time and, of course, tremendous weather. Came back with a hole in my pocket though after paying GBP 23 (!) for 4 packs of Silk Cut Silver. Where were you apart from Hornchurch?
On the subject of flag waving, I did notice rather a lot of union flags and England flags waving in the balmy wind in Bristol. I put it down to a glut of money/special offer on flags at Tescos (buy one get 601 free) …. but did not realise it was around the day of my patron saint.
I went over for a week because the ITI 21-year anniversary conference was in London, and I stayed with my brothers in Upminster. I was up in London on three days but didn’t do anything much else. I must admit that the unexpected hot weather (they had said it was going to get colder) had a bad effect on my sartorial preparations for the conference. So they will still be able to say, ‘Yes, that’s the rather badly dressed woman’.
A lovely mixed bag of German, English, Denglish and gobbledygook.
I love the phrase “bei schlechten Wetters”. I wonder how it originated!
Now for a cup of perennial browns – er sorry, coffee.
It must be a typo, but as you say, a highly mysterious one, and it fits in the style of the rest very well.
I think golf would be a good subject for a thesis on Denglish. This site has a Scorekarte page with Verhaltensregeln, such as 6, which says ‘legen Sie Divots zur