Four UK blogs on family law now (I think Nick Holmes pointed this out recently). Jacquig is a family law barrister who tries to explain things to laypersons, with an emphasis on practical advice, and also has a wiki including a JargonBuster.
SpainWilliams llp is a small law firm’s website done entirely on Typepad. This might interest some translators as a method of creating a website from blogging software. The blog is Family Law Matters. Here’s an entry on how to dissolve a civil partnership (Lebenspartnerschaft): just like divorce apart from adultery.
Meanwhile, Boing Boing links to advice for divorcing men in New Zealand who want to keep their Meccano. Some of the advice is familiar and could be useful even outside the field of Meccano:
Claim everything of the spouse’s as a bargaining chip even if you don’t want it including half of the shoes (the left foot ones J ).
This reminds me of when my family were looking at houses in England thirty years ago and one belonged to a couple going through divorce. It had a whole room full of working Meccano, but the wife didn’t seem interested in talking about it.