Oliver Kunz of KunzOBlog reports that more English translations of Swiss law are to be published on the Swiss government website.
The Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) has appeared as a PDF file. That’s only the short name, fortunately (it reminds me of the German word Anti-Baby-Pille). The long name is Federal Act on Combating Money Laundering in the Financial Sector. The charming Swiss term for Geldwäsche is Geldwäscherei.
German name: Bundesgesetz vom 10. Oktober 1997 zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäscherei im Finanzsektor (Geldwäschereigesetz, GwG)
Margaret, are you joking? :-))
Would I joke on such a serious topic?
Her husband was an East German Marxist, who may have been out of Germany during the Third Reich – hence the German name Lessing. Gysi’s mother was a Lessing.
Am a fan, but hadn’t heard that.