Die Kornweihe ist auf der roten Liste der geschützten Vögel, in Großbritannien (in England gibt es nur etwa 20 Brutpaare – jetzt vielleicht noch weniger – in Deutschland auch kaum 50).
Prinz Harry und ein Freund haben vielleicht zwei getötet.
Meistens folgt eine Gefängnissstrafe – video interview with Chief Constable of North Wales Police.
The British press report that Prince Harry and a friend are suspected of killing two. The Independent:
Prince Harry and a close friend have been questioned by police after two rare birds of prey were killed while they were out shooting on the royal family’s Sandringham estate.
The pair were thought to be the only people hunting on the Norfolk estate last Wednesday when witnesses at a nature reserve on the edge of the land saw two hen harriers shot down as they flew over.
Hen harriers are rare in England where it is estimated there are only 20 breeding pairs. They are legally protected and the killing of one carries a six-month jail sentence or a £5,000 fine.
The RSPB says that in October and November, Continental birds will join residents.
I don’t know exactly what the law is, but it is probably the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Schedule 1 has a list of birds protected at all times. See UK statute law database.
This whole story is a pun waiting to happen. Let’s watch the British press (Harry harries harriers?).
Heads are rolling: Charles Prince has resigned.