This is a story from May 2007 that has only just reached Legal Juice (and me). I’ll just note this for translation purposes:
Netzeitung, German:
Mit einem lebensgefährlichen Atemalkoholwert von 5,08 Promille hat die Polizei in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern einen Rollstuhlfahrer aus dem Verkehr gezogen. Der 31-Jährige sei am Samstagabend einer Streifenwagenbesatzung in Ventschow aufgefallen, weil er mitten auf der Straße fuhr, teilte die Polizei am Montag mit.
Der Spiegel, English:
When he was given a breathalyzer test, they were stunned to find that he was a whopping ten times over the legal limit for drivers. He had a 0.5 percent blood alcohol content (BAC) — the legal limit in Germany is 0.05 percent.
Comparable UK text from the Guardian:
Mr Paul had 176 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood; the legal limit in the UK is 80 milligrams while it is 50 milligrams in France, the hearing was told.
Explanation from a UK drink-driving site:
The UK legal limit for drivers is 80 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood, often referred to as a BAC or blood-alcohol concentration. In US terms this would be expressed as 0.08%. This is alternatively expressed in terms of breath alcohol – 35 礸 (microgrammes) per 100 ml (which is now the usual official measure in the UK), or alcohol in the urine – 107 mg per 100 ml.
This is often reckoned to be equivalent to two pints of ordinary strength beer which, for a man of average weight, is broadly true, but should not be used as a general rule – see Drink-Driving Guidelines. It is impossible to draw an accurate correlation between the amount of alcohol consumed and the resulting peak BAC, and anyone trying to “drink up to the limit” runs a serious risk of exceeding it.