I don’t get many comments on this site at the moment. This is partly because I accidentally barred all comments for several months when I was dealing with comment spam.
At the moment, comments have been banned for a couple of days but are now released again. This was because the number of spam comments increased to ten an hour. These were the ones that claim to come from Facebook users. None of these spam comments ever appear, but it takes time to remove them from the spam filter. In principle, though, comments are possible. But I will be taking a partial break from May 1st, which means posting will be slow to non-existent, and I may have to close comments down temporarily again.
Kevin Lossner has criticized my captcha, but I don’t have much choice using the current software. I tried it without a captcha – since spammers can now automatically read the captcha, I thought it might make no difference, but no, it was even worse.
Just saying!