In England and Wales, court sketches can’t be done in court but are done by an artist from memory afterwards (see earlier post). Rolf Harris may not have known this.
Isobel Williams shows pictures she did in the Supreme court in her blog Drawing from an uncomfortable position (Supreme Court art: exam nerves and Supreme Court art: piano piano):
‘Am I very politely being told to sit down?’ enquires counsel. ‘I can’t resist the temptation to take you to the Slovenian nationalisation.’
‘Do try,’ murmurs the bench.
But we’re off to Ljubljana.
Meanwhile a sketch done in the Lee Rigby Murder Trial has acquired a new life recently under the heading Court sketch artist sacked after releasing first picture from Rolf Harris trial. I had forgotten Rolf Harris’s catchphrase ‘Can you see what it is yet?’, but others have not.
Partly via UK Supreme Court Blog.