If, like me, you are an alumna or alumnus of King’s College London and, unlike me, you wish to attend The Lifeboat Debate: who will save humanity?, you have a choice of titles to enter. In my case, Dr was preselected, but here are more (thanks, Alison!):
Visc Dr Miss Mr Mrs Ms Professor Reverend Admiral Air Care Air Chiefe Marshal Air Cmdr Air Commodore Air Marshal Air Vice-Marshal Alderman Alderman & Sheriff Ambassador Archibishop Archdeacon Assistant Commissioner Baron Baron von Helmfels Baroness Bishop Brigadier Cader #N/A Canon Canon Emeritus Captain CB MBE PhD Chancellor Chief Justice Chief Officer Chief Rabbi Chief Technician Cllr CMG Colonel Comdt Commander Commander (D) Commodore Comtese Councillor Counsellor Count Countess Dame Datin Datin Nik Datin Sri Dato’ Dato’ Sr Datuk Deaconess Dean Detective Constable Dr & Mrs Dr Bishop Dr, Mr Dr. iur. Drs Duchess Duke Earl Elder Emeritus Emeritus Professor En Eur Ing Father Field Marshal Flight Lieutenant Flight Officer Flt Lt Flying Officer FR Frau General Group Captain Her Excellency Her Highness Her Honour Her Honour Judge Herr His Excellency His Highness High Highness Sheikh Sultan His Hon Judge His Honour His Majesty King His Royal Highess The Honourable HRH Prince HRH Princess Judge Justice Lady Lieutenant Lieutenant-Colonel Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant-General Lord Lord Justice Lord Mayor of London Lt Col Lt Gen Madam Major Major (rtd) Major-General Marchioness Marchioness of Marquis Master Messrs Misses Mme Monsignor Pastor PC Pehin Pengiran Prebendary President Prince Princess Professor & Mrs Puan Sri Rabbi Rear-Admiral Rev Revd Canon Dr Revd Dr Right Reverend Rt Hon Rt Hon Lord Mayor Almerman Rt Revd Sanator Senior Evangelist Sergeant Sheikh Sheikha Sheriff Shri Sir Sister Smt Squadron Leader Staff Sergeant Sultan Surgeon Surgeon Captain Surgeon Commander Tan Sri Tan Sri Dato Tan Sri Datuk Tan Sri Dr The The Baroness The Dowager The Earl The Hon The Hon Mrs The Honourable The Lady The Lord The Lord Bishop The Marquess The Most Honourable The Most Rev The Rev Canon The Rev, Canon The Rev, Dr The Rev, Mr The Revd The Rev’s Canon The Revd Prebdy The Rt Hon The Rt Hon Lord The Rt Revd The Venerable The Very Rev The Viscount Toh Puan Tun Vice Admiral Viscount Viscountess W Bro Warrant Offcer 2 Bandmaster Wing Commander Sqn Ldr The Very Revd Captain Royal Navy
Some are highly dubious – I think they must have been harvested.
Boing Boing has been here before:
Brit Airways’ honorifics kick United’s ass – not at King’s, that is, but at British Airways. Who have not the same list, although they do have Her Majesty. And a German has added material in a comment.
I am particularly fond of The, standing alone.