Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: the first golden ticket is found in the small town of Düsselheim – Düsseldorf – in Germany. Thanks to Max @mxmtsk
Here’s a small image taken from the Fandom site
Apparently what we see is Gengenbach, says the moviemistakes site.
Beautiful picture that brings back happy memories of Heinrich-Heine-Platz and tenuously links with your other Year-End Notes 3 Brandtsiftung post, Margaret, to wit whether the snow would have been enough to put out the blaze started or starting in what, 30 years ago, would at the time have been Düsseldorf’s 3rd Irish Pub.
Someone suspected to be from the Emerald Isle, according to an Irish pub barman elsewhere in town and the local police, might have ‘got upset (völlig ausgetickt) by the prospective competition’.