I have been here before (Judgment and judgment), in 2012, and I quoted Lord Neuberger.
Now, Joshua Rozenberg, in A bad day for Jay J, in the Law Society Gazette, mentions the spelling difference again:
It was the family lawyer James Turner QC who set Twitter alight by observing that Wilson had taken the trouble to refer to ‘editorial judgement’ (following the spelling in the statute) but the court’s judgment (following conventional usage). Many of my followers recalled being taught, as students, that a judge uses judgement to write a judgment. News to me; but perhaps I am too judgmental.
(The reference is to Lord Wilson in the Supreme Court).
I missed the Twitter storm, but it doesn’t seem new.
Again and de novo, there is a Scottish Courts *Judgements* Library https://ox.libguides.com/c.php?g=423225&p=2889828
plus Scots law again: Form 73 – Notice of determination by sheriff clerk of application under section 5A of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgements Act 1982
Better for commentators South of the Border a.k.a. ….. to consult those of us who are familiar with the law North of the Border ….